Social Listening Data & Insights

Data and insights on this page are sourced from publicly accessible digital platforms, including social media, blogs, forums, and news sites, among others. Data is monitored from polio-endemic and outbreak countries as classified by GPEI, across five UNICEF regions (ECARO, MENARO, ROSA, ESARO, WCARO), encompassing 12 major languages spoken in these countries. Information about data sources

Trending Narrative Alerts

This section provides information on specific trending narratives and false information about polio, including what's spreading, the common themes referenced, and the level of risk narratives pose to vaccination efforts. Alerts are typically published multiple times per week based on ongoing analysis of social listening data.

January 10, 2025

Unsupported claims of new polio cases in Gaza draw criticism of vaccine campaign

In late December, claims began circulating that two new suspected polio cases were identified in Gaza. The story circulated on social media, as one user criticized the "clumsy placebo" polio vaccination campaign. One commenter claimed that people in Gaza should refuse the vaccine because it causes polio.

Geography: MENARO: Palestine; ROSA: Afghanistan, Pakistan; Global (Other): Australia, Ireland, Italy

Themes: Conspiracy theories; Effectiveness

Risk Assessment: Medium risk

December 26, 2024

Misleading video clip fuels conversation about distrust of polio workers

A video clip circulating online claims to show parents being arrested for refusing to allow their child to get vaccinated. The clip garnered outrage from people who expressed distrust in polio workers, claimed that polio vaccines are a "scam," and insisted that polio eradication efforts are a Western agenda.

Geography: ROSA: Pakistan

Themes: Conspiracy theories; Necessity

Risk Assessment: Low risk

December 21, 2024

Failed meningitis drug trial linked to ongoing vaccine hesitancy in Nigeria

A failed Pfizer clinical trial for a meningitis treatment conducted in Nigeria was referenced in several recent social media posts about the origins of modern vaccine hesitancy in Africa. The 1996 trial was held in Kano, Nigeria, at the height of Africa's worst meningitis outbreak and left 11 children dead and dozens more with debilitating injuries. In response to a post about why the COVID-19 vaccination rates in Africa remain low, one social media user claims that Africans "learned to never trust the vax," and another user references a documentary about the Kano trial, incorrectly calling it a polio vaccine trial. A Nigerian physician explained the ethical issues involved with the trial and the lasting impact it had on vaccine acceptance in the country. Notably, because a majority of the family harmed in the trial was Muslim, some religious leaders at the time accused Western companies and institutions of targeting Muslims with vaccines, a belief that persists and continues to fuel vaccine hesitancy. Conversations about the documentary are circulating worldwide.

Geography: ESARO: Kenya, South Africa; ROSA: Afghanistan, Pakistan; WCARO: Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal; EAPRO: Indonesia; Global (Other): Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Themes: Religion; Research and clinical trials; Safety and side effects

Risk Assessment: Medium risk


Alert Categories

Alerts are categorized as high, medium, and low risk.

High risk

Narratives with widespread circulation across communities or countries, high engagement, exponential velocity, and a high potential to impact vaccination efforts.

Medium risk

Narratives circulating in priority countries that may impact vaccination decisions. Potential for further spread due to the tactics used or because of predicted velocity. May highlight legitimate questions and concerns, not just false claims.

Low risk

Narratives that are limited in reach, aren't impacting priority communities, or lack the qualities necessary for future spread. Helpful to know because these narratives may indicate information gaps, confusion, or concerns.

Polio Digital Messaging Guide: A Strategic Tool for Digital Engagement and SBC

A practical resource that bridges digital best practices with field-based health communication to equip teams with the knowledge and tools needed to protect children from polio and foster trust in vaccination programs.


Top line Data

This charts below highlights data specific to polio outbreak countries over the past seven days, and is updated daily. Analysis includes data from the latest list of outbreak countries according to GPEI.

The charts below highlight data specific to polio endemic countries (Pakistan and Afghanistan) over the past seven days, and is updated daily.